Built Heritage

Built heritage comprises of all man-made structures which are considered to be of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.
County Clare possesses a wealth of built heritage in the form of historical and archaeological remains, including some of the best examples of early human settlements in Europe. The built heritage in County Clare's towns and villages is impressive. The built herniate infrastructure ranges from the attractive medieval pattern of narrow streets and laneways in Ennis to the Victorian seaside resorts of Kilkee and spa town of Lisdoonvarna.

Key facts about the built heritage in County Clare

  • There are approximately 7,500 known archaeological sites and many more yet undiscovered in the County.
    There are 882 Protected Structures in the Record of Protected Structure
  • There are 34 designated Architectural Conservation Areas(ACAs) in Clare.
  • There are over 170 historic graveyards in the County.

The built environment of today will form the built heritage of tomorrow, in the same way as the building styles of the past have given an identity to the towns and villages in the County. Buildings have a practical role in shaping a positive future County Clare and should be viewed as one of the many assets that make the County an attractive place in which to live, work and visit.